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Launch day marks the opening of registration to the 90 day challenge. This is set to remain open for 16 days, after which, registration will close. Within this time period, if you chose to register to the transformation challenge, you will be required to email me a front, back and side BEFORE picture with your first name, last name and order number of purchase. Along with this will I also require you to give complete consent to be featured in future BURN promotional material (specific details on how to do so are outlined in the program). Only people who send a before image within the registration period, along with giving consent to be featured in future BURN promotional material will be selected from to win after the after 90 days are over.

Assuming you enter the transformation challenge, your official 90 days begin on the date following the closing of registration. From here you will simply follow the program for 90 days, after which you will then send me an AFTER picture (front, back and side) under similar conditions as your before picture. From here I will then spend time looking over all the entries and pick out a 90-day winner to receive 200$


NOT AT ALL. Registration is NOT compulsory. Therefore, if you are not comfortable with the process outlined above, you can still download BURN as a program in order to follow for 90 days of intense high volume workouts.


Contestants who enter the challenge must be over 18 yrs old therefore, although you can follow the training programs, you will not be eligible to enter the 90 day transformation challenge.


If you do decide to enter the transformation challenge, although your official 90 days begin on the date following the closing of registration, you can start the program and diet STRAIGHT AWAY after purchasing and/or on launch day if you truly want to get a "step ahead" of the rest.


As BURN is currently only available as an eBook, you will firstly need the appropriate software to open a PDF document.


If purchasing burn as the PDF + APP version you will also require a smartphone/tablet of some sort which supports either Android and/or apple Apps.


Secondly, you will need access to a gym with dumbbells, barbells and certain machines. Even then however, if you only have limited equipment, exercise substitutions are given for most (if not all) exercises programmed in any of the training splits.


As burn requires you to track your weight and food you will also need access to both a body weight and food scales.

scared of high volume training?

The volumes per muscle, per week, in any of the training splits within BURN are definitely higher than what most will recommend however, if you are not comfortable with high volume training and/or feel that you will not be able to recover from the BURN workouts, inside of the program you are given a comprehensive guide as to how to adapt the program according to your own personal recovery capabilities.

can women follow burn?

ABSOLUTELY! BURN is suitable for BOTH males and females. If anything, women may actually be better tailored to the programmed workouts as they have a higher volume tolerance and resistance to metabolic fatigue than males.

does burn include a meal plan?

Unfortunately not. As I state inside of the program and in the video found HERE, BURN is guaranteed to work however, the only way to do so is to be as accurate as possible when it comes to both training AND diet. Therefore, although meal plans can still be accurate, they are often "less" accurate than directly training your calories and macros which is what I have chosen to be the dietary approach involved in BURN. Even then however, if you have never tracked calories and/or macros before, the program contains an entire comprehensive guide as to how to do so with ease so do not let that putt you off downloading the program.


Do not purchase BURN if you are already lean (>12% body fat for males >22% body fat for females). Assuming you follow the diet, training and cardio guidelines in BURN to a tee, a large amount of fat loss is GUARANTEED. Therefore, if you are already lean without much fat to lose then, although you can follow the training programs, you SHOULD NOT be adopting the overall extreme fat loss dieting approach that BURN entails.

Do not purchase BURN if you are currently suffering from an injury and/or an eating/training disorder.

Do not purchase BURN if you are a complete beginner and/or untrained athlete. As a beginner I would suggest you follow one of the HyperElite series instead, as BURN is intended more for intermediate/advanced trainees as a challenge to lose a large amount of fat FAST!


Unfortunately there are currently no discount codes for BURN however, click HERE to subscribe to the BURN newsletter for future exclusive content, early access, discounts and more.

can't buy the program 2 weeks after launch?

Correct, BURN is an "exclusive" program meaning that, not only is the time that you can register for the challenge limited to 2 weeks post launch however, this also applies for BUYING the program. Therefore, even if you do not wish to enter the 90 day challenge, if you want to BUY the program, be sure to act fast and download it within the 2 week period post launch as, otherwise, you are not going to get the opportunity again.

"tier 1 and 2" contestants?

The goal of BURN is to help transform as many people's physiques as possible. Therefore, as the challenge lasts 12 weeks, instead of waiting 12 whole weeks to re-open BURN for another challenge, I have opened it half way through the first one, in order to now have 2 ongoing challenges finishing 6 weeks apart. Therefore, if you have entered the challenge during the first launch of BURN, you are part of "Tier 1" contestants, to which the same dates as before still apply i.e. final pictures to be sent by the 29th of June. If however, you have entered the challenge during the latest launch of BURN, you are part of "Tier 2" contestants, to which the dates on the current BURN home page apply i.e. starting pictures to be sent by the 20th of May and final pictures to be sent by the 19th of August.

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